*scroll down for children's class options*
Adult 1
For the month of August, Glenn Miller is leading a study on the the 12 tribes of Israel.

Adult 2
Bill Pickle & Buddy Sanders are teaching through the books of Exodus & Leviticus.
Adult 3
Ken Doyle is teaching on the book of Ecclesiastes.
Adult 4
Scott Nupson is teaching through the book of Exodus.
Billy Moore & Gary Boston are teaching on the book of Exodus using curriculum from Explore the Bible.
Adult Women
Courtney Harbin is teaching through the book of Exodus.
Married and More
Andrew Conant is leading this class which is geared to the 25-late 30's age group. Singles are welcome even though the name suggests otherwise! They are currently going through a study entitled, "Pursuit of God".
College & Career
Matthew Hancock leads the group.
Youth 2, 9th-12th Grade
Patrick & Jill Hancock
Youth 1, 5th-8th Grade
Ellen Nupson teaches using curriculum from Answers in Genesis.
3rd-4th Grade
Jennifer Miller & Stephanie Walton teach using curriculum from Answers in Genesis.
K - 2nd Grade
Dave & Alison Bode teach using curriculum from Lifeway's Bible Studies for Life .
2's - Pre-K
Heather Guiffre & Jennifer Cooke teach using curriculum from Bible Studies for Life.
Please click here to read a message from our Sunday School Director, Kevin Guiffre.